Colombian Regulations - Non-Conventional Renewable Energies
- Decree 2143 of 2015
"By which is added the Single Regulatory Decree of the Administrative Sector of Mines and Energy, 1073 of 2015, regarding the definition of the guidelines for the application of the incentives established in Chapter III of Law 1715 of 2014."
- Resolution MinAmbiente 1283 of August 8, 2016
"Establishing the procedure and requirements for the issuance of environmental benefit certification for new investments in projects of non-conventional sources of renewable energy - FNCER and management To obtain the tax benefits dealt with in articles 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Law 1715 of 2014 and other determinations are adopted." -
Resolution MinAmbiente 1312 of August 11, 2016
"By which the terms of reference for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA), required for the environmental licensing of projects for the use of sources Of continental wind energy and other determinations are made." - Law 1715 of 2014
"By means of which regulates the integration of non-conventional renewable energies into the National Energy System." - UPME Resolution 0281 of 2015
"By which the maximum power limit of small-scale self-generation is defined." - Resolution CREG 024 of 2015
"By which the large-scale self-generation activity is regulated in the National Interconnected System (SIN)" - Decree 1623 of 2015
"By which modifies and adds Decree 1073 of 2015, regarding the establishment of policy guidelines for the expansion of coverage of the electric power service in the System National Interconnected and in Non-Interconnected Zones" - Decree 2492 of 2014
"By which provisions are adopted regarding the implementation of mechanisms of demand response" - Decree 2469 of 2014
"By which establishes the guidelines of energy policy in the matter of surrender of self-generation surpluses"
Accumulated revenues (USD million)
From 2008 and until the end of 2014 we obtained revenues totalling nearly one billion dollars, our next challenge!
2008-2014: 879 M$
Over 130 photovoltaic systems connected. Here we describe how we completed some of them